Erik vokste opp på Rønningen i Meråker



Erik i Hjulrytterkompaniet


Erik Rønning (1883 – 1976)


Erik som ung


Erik reiste til
Amerika år 1900.
Da måtte han passere
Ellis Island ved
New York.

Båten han ankom
med het New York


Passasjerlisten fra
båten. Eriks navn
står nederst. 


Erik i arbeid


På Rønningen: Erik, Astrid, Anna, Ole, Solaug, Olga, Hjalmar og Jenny Lian.

Utvandringsattest fra meråker

Erik og Astrids barn:

Anna og Odd

Erik reiste til Amerika 1900 og bodde mange steder før han kom tilbake til Norge.

5 Williston

Arbeidet kortere

tid her

3 Velva

Her arbeidet Erik

med trelast for

Ole Pynten


6 Devils Lake

Erik arbeidet som

stenograf ved

et jernbaneselskap.
Reist etter en tid

tilbake til Norge

4 Fargo

Her gikk Erik på

Business college.

Tok senere fler

kurs her.

1 Sioux Falls

Bodde hos sin onkel Brende. Gikk på skole

og hjalp til på


Franz, Ole Pynten (Nustad)

og Erik Rønning

møttes i Minnesota

Bilde av søsken: Peder (Per), Erik, Olga, Marit (Mary) og Elisabeth.

Erik på Grefsen

Astrid og Erik

Astrid og Erik bodde i

Tonsenveien 33 på Grefsen i Oslo.

Bildet er fra omkring 1917

2 Tracey

Her bodde

Erik hos



Lærte engelsk

ERIK 1883 - 1976  (From Hedvig Johansen’s booklet about Rønningen and the people who lived there)

Erik was born 1983 and named after his mother’s father. He has himself told a lot from his life and upbringing in a report included in RØNNINGSPOSTEN 1985 and 1986. We know this has been read with interest by all, and here we only bring the highlights from that report.

Erik was active in a lot of areas, talented as he was in many trades.

One of his first jobs was being a herdsman in Øst-Fjergen, and he had his own joinery at Rønningen. Apart from that he took part in the works at Bruget (Meraker bruk). He assisted at the telephone service and as postilion.

But then came the year of 1900 with visitors from America; his grandmothers sister with husband., Lisbeth and Gudmund Brende. Lot of interesting news for a clever boy of seventeen, and uncle Gudmund suggested him returning back with them.


The journey was considerably longer than in our days, but at last they reached Sioux Falls, where Erik stayed the first winter, going to school while he was helping out at the farm.

Later he joined his sister Ingeborg in Minnesota, Ca 10 "mil" from Sioux Falls. He had a very nice stay there, learning the language by nature’s own method.


After that he contacted Ole Pynten (Ole Nustad as he now called himself; "Pynten" didn't quite fit in with the new language). Being in North Dakota, Erik went to school and did jobs as well. Working like this for 8 years, he was granted a year holiday. After gaining new strength he got himself a job in Norway.


During the years in America he got himself a good education, and he soon achieved a good job.

Now was the time to marry his Astrid Westby, which he had kept in touch with during his years away from his country. When the company he worked with, Union Co, started in Skien (a small town 2 hours south of Oslo) the newly married couple moved along.

Later the main office moved to Oslo and Erik and his family settled there.

After a while they settled permanently in Tonsenveien 33, a nice residential area. Erik retired in 1951, and he and Astrid got time to visit their son, Odd, who had met and married his relative Peg in America and made his home there. They also visited Meraker.

In Tonsenveien they shared the house with their daughter Anna, and her husband Knut and their three children.


Aunt Astrid suddenly died 18th of May 1968.


After that Erik had long stays with his son and his family in USA. He enjoyed himself, and wrote several letters to Rønningposten about his time there.


His last visit was in 1976. When he returned to Norway he was not well, and after a short period of illness, he died in July 1976, being then 93 years old.

In Tonsenveien at Grefsen, his daughter, Anna Sofie, still stays. She lost her husband, Knut Skarning in 1986.

As her 3 children with their families live not far away, she still gets lot of company.